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Materials updated March 2025.


Tosha is a Merck Research Laboratories fellow with the Life Sciences Research Foundation and currently works as a postdoc supervised by Dr. Christine Lattin at Louisiana State University.

Tosha completed her PhD in Ecology and Evolution at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, in 2018. For her dissertation, she continued her supervision by Dr. Beth MacDougall-Shackleton and Dr. Scott MacDougall-Shackleton to evaluate the extent that upregulating immunity versus actual parasitic harm impacts large-scale migratory movements of sparrows. Tosha's MSc (2014) investigated how parasitic infection and immune function vary with migration distance and age in a long-term study population of song sparrows.

Tosha completed her BSc in the Biology Honours Program at Trent University in 2012. Here, she completed an honour's thesis, supervised by Dr. Gary Burness, examining how yolk allocation to eggs affects immunity and development of a reverse sexually-sized dimorphic species.

Tosha has served as a research assistant
for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs.
Dr. Tosh holding a female hooded merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) in the Sherburne Wildlife Management Area, Louisana. 

© 2023 Dr. Tosha ruth Kelly

Last updated:july 2023

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